- Quadra Institute of Ayurveda intends to present itself as a referral center for various modes of emergencies and various elective procedures for which an fully functioning ambulances are already been purchased in order to make a prompt access to the ambient patients. As well as health check-up program in nearby villages.
- The Institution is happy to induct various electronic gadgets in teaching to augment the quality of education. An initiative has already been made by organizing seminars by LCD Projector. In addition, Internet facility is also made available for the students with broad band connection.
- Quadra Institute of Ayurveda will also invite the employees and students of the university to become a part of ‘Aarogya Campaign’ in which every employee and student will be provided with a ‘Aarogya Card’ which is a medical health check-up card and the volunteers will be subjected to a subset of designated health check-up plan by paying nominal charges. This check-up regimen will be repeated on six monthly or annual bases for effective evaluation of health status and management subsequently.
- Persuading the visionary statement of the university, the institution is determined to have a novel ‘e-library’ which will feature CD’s/DVD of various clinical procedures/compilations/paper presented/operative procedures etc. This effective mean of learning will definitely have a positive impact on the students. The entire department has independent P.C. with internet facility, CD’s/DVD’s library with color T.V. and intercom facility for up-dating modern teaching techniques.
- The institution is also enthusiastic about the vivacious prospects of Immunization Unit which is about to commence under the Kaumarbhritya Deptt. For which complete planning has already been prepared.
- The institution continuously encourages the teaching faculty to update their knowledge and sharpen their skills by taking part in various conferences/seminars/workshops and re-orientation program in different part of country.
7- Quadra Institute of Ayurveda reiterates its dedication to excel in the field of Ayurveda by providing better learning experience for the students, better health for the patients, better career opportunities for the faculty members and a preferential site to work for all other staff members.
8- The institution is determined to establish Postgraduation in five subjects at the earliest.
* Quadra Institute of Ayurveda was established by Ch. Harchand Singh Atma Ram Education Trust (established in the year 2010 )and is now spread over 8.44 acres of green environs, conceiving the idea of nurturing Indian System of Medicine in the state of Uttarakhand . Since then the institute has projected itself as a glittering star among the galaxy of different institutes of university by providing quality education and imparting sound ethical, medical culture to the budding students. Now it is a constituent college of Uttarakhand Ayurved University, Harrawala, Dehradun, Uttarakhand.
* The institute is recognized by NCISM; Ministry of Ayush, Government of India. The college offers 4-1/2 year’s degree course of Ayurveda (Ayurvedacharya) . A compulsory rotatory Internship of one year duration follows the depicted period of Bachelor of Ayurveda Medicine and Surgery ( B.A.M.S.) degree to augment clinical skills of the students.
* The Institute is also permitted by AYUSH (NCISM) to start Post Graduation in Ayurveda (3-year Degree Course) in Kayachikitsa (6 seats) & Shalya Tantra (5 Seats) from 2022, Rachana Sharir (05Seats) & Samhita Siddhant (05 Seats) from 2023 are running successfully.
* Well equipped laboratories, Experienced Staff of all subjects including Cadaver Dissection Hall and Modernized Pathology Laboratory are providing hands on classes for the students.
The theory and practical teaching and training of Ashtanga Ayurveda are imparted to the students by the following 14 Departments:-
- Department of Sanskrit and Samhita (Basic Principles): The knowledge about the treatise of Ayurved and the basic principles of Ayurved is being provided by this department which includes the study of padarth Vigyan,Ashtanga Hrudaya , History of Ayurveda along with Charak Samhita and Shushrut Samhita.. As the original texts of Ayurveda are in Sanskrit language, learning of Sanskrit is compulsory in the first year B.A.M.S. which is taken care of by this department as well.
- Department of Rachana Sharira (Human Anatomy): It is extremely important to know the structure of human body from both Ayurved and Modern medical point of view with regards to its treatment to be done / learnt in future. This is efficiently done through dead body dissections, models, charts etc. in the department.
- Department of Kriya Sharir (Human Physiology): It is in the base of any medical science to know the up to date functioning of the structures in the body. The knowledge about the functioning of the various systems of the human body is imparted to the students through laboratory investigations, tests, functional explanation of mechanical tests and findings, models, charts etc. by this department.
- Department of Swasthavritta-Yoga-Nisargopachara: It is required for a physician to know about the different aspects related with personal, social, scholastic, occupational health, health administration, national/international agencies and program etc. related with health, which is provided to the students through this department. Besides this, as a part of parcel of the curriculum, the teaching of Yoga and Naturopathy alongwith physiotherapy based on the guidelines of Ayurveda is also done by this department. The department has a huge collection of well made charts of the subject.
- Department of Agada Tantra and Vyavaharayurveda: During the career, a physician encounters numerous exposures to various types of Herbal, inorganic and organic poisons, its effects and has to know its remedies, to learn medical jurisprudence for medical legal cases etc. This part of his study is looked after by this department having specimens of various types and charts as well.
- Department of Rasa Shastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana: Rasa Shastra is a unique contribution to the domain of medical science, by Ayurveda, which utilizes various metals, minerals, mercury and its preparations for treating various physical conditions. This department also provides practical training of Shodhana, Marana, Pishtikarana etc. of the minerals and teaches the formulations of Kwatha, Vati, Avaleha, Rasakriya etc. as well. The department has a vast collection of mineral / herbo-mineral drugs and well made charts and models.
- Department of Dravya Guna: This department takes care of imparting knowledge about Ayurvediya Dravyaguna (Pharmacopoeia) including hundreds of plants and herbs of various species. The practical training of drug / herb recognization is given in the vast botanical garden attached to the college. Besides this, the department has big collection of dry specimens of various rare species / drugs. Models & charts / photographs add to the teaching aids of the department.
- Department of Rogavigyn & Vikrati vigyan: The study of medical science remains incomplete without a proper knowledge of the conditions generating the pathology in the body, or in short the proceeding of an individual from health to disease. The knowledge pertaining to this particular field is provided by the department through laboratory tests, examinations and its explanation with regards to the generation of a problem. This department looks after the clinical laboratory of the hospital as well, providing facilities for investigations of Blood, Urine, Stool, samples of the needy patients.
- Department of Kayachikitsa (Medicine): The total technical knowledge regarding the management of a disorder is given by this department. A regular functioning of IPD and OPD of this department makes it feasible for the students to learn those skills properly with ample practical exposure.
- Department of Panchkarma: Panchkarma therapy has always been a jewel of Ayurveda by virtue of its alleviative rather than palliative approach. The techniques of Massage (Snehana), Enema (Vasti), Tarpana, Shirodhara, Vamana, Virechana etc. eliminative and rejuvenating processes are taught to the students here through the OPD and IPD.
- Department of Stri Roga-Prasuti Tantra: This department focuses specifically on the disorders occurring to the females and the pre natal, natal, post natal care and problems. The department has a daily OPD and there is an IPD where different gynecological and obstetrical problems are treated on regular basis. Students receive a good technical know-how and managemental holistic approach .
- Department of Kaumarabhrutya: The study of the anomalies, specifically occurring to the children of various age groups is undertaken and treated here and the students receive practical knowledge through regular OPDs and IPDs of the department. Besides these, there are various charts & models to provide better understanding.
- Department of Shalya Tantra (Surgery): The teaching and training of Ayurvedic Shastra Karma (Shalyakarma) is being imparted by this department. Various ano-rectal problems like Arsha (Piles), Guda Vidara (Fissures), Bhagandara (Fistula in ano) problems are treated at OPD and IPD level through this dept. Unique treatment like Ksharasutra (Ligation technique) in ano rectal problems.
- Department of Shalakya Tantra: The teaching and training about the disorders of the Supra clavicular region is being imparted by this dept. through OPD and IPDs. It also deals with the classical management of the diseases of Ear, Nose, Throat and Eyes like- Dantashula (toothache), Chala Danta (loose teeth), Badhirya (deafness), Karna Roga (ear problems), diminished vision, Ardhavabhedaka (migraine), Khalitya (hair fall) etc.
*A well-equipped computerized & air conditioned separate seminar hall with a sitting capacity of 200 persons is an integral part of the institution.
* A well maintained Air Conditioned & Wi-Fi Equipped Library with over 10,000 Classical Ayurveda and Modern Books are available with students for uplifting the education.
*A self regulated well-equipped Teaching Pharmacy unit to prepare various traditional and self formulated Ayurvedic medicines for the hospital requirements. These medicines are prepared under the supervision of Ayurvedic experts.
*Herbal Garden with 306 species of medicinal plants is also a specific unit of the institute. These herbs are also being used by the teaching pharmacy. Nakshatra Vatika, Navgrah VAtika, Dwadash Rashi Vatika are the additional attractive features of the herbal garden.
* Highly motivated, dedicated and highly qualified teaching faculties have always been a tenacious part of the institution and ever ready to guide and elite the student’s future with their visionary thoughts and deeds.
*A beautiful Hostel for girls and flats for staff residence in the campus.
About The hospital—
* A 104 bedded teaching hospital of the institute plays a pivotal role in imparting quality education to sharpen the clinical skills of upcoming Doctors. The hospital is potent in dealing with different emergencies round the clock apart from having OPD and IPD facilities in Kaya Chikitsa, Shalya Chikitsa, Shalakya Tantra (Ear , Nose Throat & Eye), Panchkarma, Prasuti- Stree Rog, Bal Rog Department along with OPD of Swasth Vritta & Agad Tantra ( Toxicology) and Speciality Clinics in Rasayan, Vajikaran & Manas Rog ( Psychiatry) with multi-specialty approach. The efficacy of the hospital is also enhanced by using various modern diagnostic tools i.e. ‘X’-Ray, U.S.G. ECG and Pathology Laboratory. The hospital has maintained its reputation as a referral centre of specialized myriad Ayurvedic treatment & various elective surgical procedures.
One year compulsory rotatory internship program has been rescheduled by NCISM, as per MSE 2022.
Rules and Regulations:
- As per Hon’ble Supreme court order, Ragging is completely prohibited at any place (inside or outside the campus). Legal action will be taken against Defaulters. Anti-ragging affidavit is compulsory to fill by each student.
- As per University Rule, minimum 75 % attendance is compulsory for each student in every concern subject In theory & practical separately, failing which, student will not be allowed to appear in their annual examinations.
- I would be compulsory for each student to appear in all internal/sessional exams. Failing to appear, they will not be permitted to appear in annual examinations.
- College hours are from 10 AM to 4 PM. These timings may change as per season or requirement.
- Dress code is compulsory for each student during college hours. Students not following the rules may fine Rs. 100 per day.
- Disciplinary action will be taken against students, who will found guilty for any type of misbehavior to the teachers, hospital or college staff or any classmate/seniors/juniors. Their name will be struck off from the college.
- Any type of criminal act by the student is completely prohibited. The name of such student will also be struck off from the college.
- Mobiles etc are not allowed during class hours. Students, not following the rules will be fined, accordingly.
- Students, residing in the hostel are bound to follow the rules & regulations of the hostel. In case of not following the rules, the student will be discarded from the hostel immediately.
- Every student is bound to deposit fees (including hostel fees) within 15 days of the date of admission or start of new session. After 15 days, Rs.100 will be charged per day up to next 15 days. And after one month from the start of session, their name will be struck off from the register. Such student will be liable for re-admission after deposit of re admission fees Re 5000/-. Parents of each student are bound to deposit the all type of fees etc in the office within due time. An Affidavit is compulsory to fill by the parent/Guardian.
Anti Ragging committee:
Mob. No.
Dr. Jitendra Sharma
+91- 9981850311
Dr. Monika Chauhan
+91- 8057667080
Dr. Rajnikant
+91- 8054114530
Dr. Saurabh Kumar (Shalya)
+91- 9717944844
Dr. Sharon Prabhakar
+91- 7830724435
Dr. Charu Sharma
+91- 7060398172
Regarding Anti Raging Letter
Dress Code:
Boys & Girls - Navy blue trouser, Sky Blue Shirt, Tie (Issued by the college on payment) and Black Formal Shoes with Apron.
Boys & Girls - Navy blue trouser, Sky Blue Shirt, Tie, Black Sweater, Apron and Black Formal Shoes.
Educational Steps Since Admission:
(A) (i) (a) After admission, the student shall be inducted to the B.A.M.S. Programme through an Induction Programme not less than fifteen working days based on the Transitional Curriculum which intends to introduce newly admitted student to Ayurveda system of medicine and to make him well aware of the B.A.M.S. Programme he is going to study for next four and a half years.
(b) During the induction programme, the student of Ayurveda shall learn basic of Sanskrit for Ayurveda and basic life support and first aid along with other subject as laid down in the syllabus.
(c) There shall be fifteen days induction programme which shall be not less than ninety hours and every day may consist of six hours.
(ii) Total working days for each professional session shall be not less than three hundred and twenty days.
(iii) (a) Total working days for the First Professional session shall be not less than three hundred and five days except for fifteen days for the induction programme.
(b) total teaching hours for First Professional session shall not be less than 1920
(iv) Total teaching hours for Second Professional session shall be not less than 2240 and the proportion of be teaching hours in Lecture to Non-lecture shall be 1:2.
(v) Total teaching hours for Third (Final) Professional session shall not be less than 2240 and during the Third (Final) Professional Session, three hours of clinical classes at Hospital during morning hours shall be conducted and the proportion of teaching hours in Lecture to Non-Lecture hour shall be 1:2
(vi) Working hours may be increased by the University or institution as per requirement to complete the stipulated period of teaching and requisite activity.
CCIM Permission Letters
University AffilationLetters
CCIM Permission Letter 2020-21
NCISM Permission Letter Batch 2021-26
NCISM Permission Letter Batch 2022-27 & P.G
NCISM Permission 2023-24 with 02 Subject permission